
BridgeAtRemagenI think my absence last week was the longest I’ve had from the blog. I mean, even when I went to Europe with the family last year I had posts programmed to go up. Admittedly they were pretty dull and dealt mostly with choosing the perfect writing notebook, but at least something was happening here.

I didn’t post because I didn’t want to discuss the terrible events in Orlando. It was enough to read about the attack and talk about it with my family. I didn’t want to do that here. Yet talking about anything else at the time just seemed frivolous. So I simply walked away from the blog for a while.

With my wife and daughter away for ten days my first born and I have been having a manly movie marathon. My wife doesn’t much care for westerns (apart from The Magnificent Seven and Silverado) or any World War II movie, so my son and I have been watching a bunch of both. With Father’s Day occurring right in the midst of the marathon, this movie watching expedition also has been partly in remembrance of my own father. We’ve watched a few more modern movies, but for the most part we’ve sat down with movies I remember seeing with him.

And for the most part, we’ve really enjoyed them. I’ll probably draft something about the movies the next time I post.

I also have some exciting publishing news in the works, but I’m going to hold off on an official announcement until the ink on the paper is dry.